Build 3D Products in March 2025 🧪 Use 3D-BUILDER Coupon (Limited time 🎁) on 3D Segmentor OS.

The 3D x AI Skills Pack: Ultimate Course

Every day for 7 days, you receive a new 3D skill in your inbox, which you can download as .pdf.

This free professional track provides foundational knowledge and practical skills for working effectively with 3D data.
I cover 3D Reconstruction, 3D Python, Spatial Algorithms, and the application of AI for advanced 3D applications.

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+ 🎁 Weekly Tutorials and Resources on 3D + Geodata + AI R&D

Join 5,000+ tech creators to understand, build, and deploy 3D products, apps, systems, and working solutions.
I share my knowledge and findings through tutorials, 3D code and data along my R&D journey every week.
I also share exclusive access on learning materials and 3D Tech events.

Education Material🧙‍♂️

Design your 3D Data Expertise Learning Experience

If you want to get a tad more toward application-first or depth-first approaches, I curated on this website several learning tracks and courses to help you along your journey. Feel free to follow the ones that best suit your need, and do not hesitate to reach out directly to me if you have any questions or if I can give you some advice on your current challenges!

Open-Access Knowledge

3D Data Processing Online Courses

⚡3D Course Operating Systems (Recommended)

  • 3D Reconstructor OS: Build 3D Reconstruction Engine to address both 3D Application and Code Layers.
  • 3D Segmentor OS: 3D Python Dev + Spatial Algorithm Specialization for 3D Data (incl. segmentation).
  • 3D Deep Learning OS: End-to-End Creation of 3D AI (Deep Learning) Systems, with Python.
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